Scientific Notation

This is really a science topic, but by popular demand, here's a chapter for you in math! The first two videos are pretty important for chapters where you're actually learning scientific notation, but the last one about calculators is a must-watch because it will save you points throughout your science career. PEMDAS waits to strike when you least expect!

Converting Scientific Notation to Numbers

Most people get that the exponent on scientific notation tells you "the number of zeroes". But what does that really mean? In this video I'll show you how to convert a number that's already in scientific notation into a number that's not. There's a slow way and a fast way, so you'll have two ways to choose from. And with this solid foundation we'll be able to attack the next video.

Converting Numbers to Scientific Notation

As the title above says, we'll go over a 3-step process to convert any number into scientific notation, which is really what you have to do most often in class. We'll also cover how to multiply numbers in scientific notation, and when you have to convert numbers that aren't in proper scientific notation form.

Scientific Notation On Your Calculator (free)

You're all "I know how to do exponents on my calculator." Yet of all the students I've tutored over the years in physics and chemistry, exactly one knew what I'm about to tell you in this video. Yup, the EE button! This prevents the most common mistake students make on their calculators with scientific notation, which is getting screwed up when their calculator is better at PEMDAS than they are!