Lots of Probability Vocab

Trials, Outcomes & Events

This video clears up the confusion about outcomes and trials, and how to identify one vs the other. It also gets into the nuts and bolts of how to list out the possible outcomes of a situation -- like flipping three coins or rolling two dice -- quickly in a test situation.

Simple Events

Yet another vocab word which every professor and book seems to cover yet you won't see ever again. If you haven't already, definitely watch the Events & Outcomes video first.

Compound Events

This video quickly explains what compound events are (as opposed to "simple events"), so that you can know what your professor and/or book are talking about when they mention compound events in the middle of confusing word problems.

Sample Space

This video explains how to write out the sample space of a given trial or experiment, and how to make sure that you're capturing them all. Examples include flipping coins (think tth, tht, hhh, etc) and rolling two dice (11, 15, 36, etc).

Mutually Exclusive (Disjoint) Events

Disjoint events and mutually exclusive events are the same thing. Mostly you'll see this in the setup of a probability word problems, along with the words "assume the events are independent".

Independent vs Dependent Events

These are a couple more terms that mostly come up in the explanation for stats word problems, mostly so that you can use the multiplication and addition rules.

Complement of an Event

Like complementary angles, complementary events complete each other, or at least add up to 1. So that's pretty good.

Subjective Probability

This term is kind of funny because it's a fancy-sounding way of saying that you are guessing the probability of an event.

False Positive, False Negative

A couple of terms which describe whether a test says something happened when it didn't or that it didn't when it does. Got it? Good.

Odds vs Probability

In everyday life we tend to use the words "odds" and "probability" interchangeably, for example when describing the chances you'll be at your friend's birthday party. And that's mostly okay, the only time it doesn't work is when you're talking about odds on sports or horse betting.